KLM miniature number 105: |
The 105nd KLM miniature house is a replica of the The House on the Three Canals, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 249, Amsterdam.
KLM celebrates its 105th anniversary on October 7 and, as usual, the airline presents a Delft blue miniature version of a building with a special history. This year the choice fell on The House on the Three Canals - a national monument from 1610 in Renaissance Style.
Located in the heart of Amsterdam, this magnificent mansion dates back to 1610 and showcases the elegance of Dutch Renaissance architecture. Designated as a national monument, it derives its name from its unique positioning at the intersection of three canals: the Grimburgwal, the Oudezijds Voorburgwal (front), and the Oudezijds Achterburgwal. This strategic location provides the house with captivating views and distinct angles.
The property underwent a significant restoration in 1909, transforming it into an architectural masterpiece. Renowned architect Jan de Meyer meticulously worked to revert the house to its original 17th-century glory, following years of alterations and divisions since its sale in 1687. The renovation introduced new window frames, stepped gables, and an elegant sandstone door frame at the entrance. The interior also received careful attention, with features like oak draught doors and marble floors being replaced to reflect its historical significance.
For many years, ‘Het huis aan de drie grachten’ served as a vibrant bookshop and publishing house, contributing to the cultural tapestry of Amsterdam. |